
Posted: 27th October 2017 by DExUS in Games
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Release trailer for virtual reality game Tengutana.

Download here : http://store.steampowered.com/app/630070/Tengutana/


Posted: 19th July 2017 by DExUS in New software
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HzSwitchHzSwitch is a quick applcation for changing of the monitor refresh rate.
It will detect available frequencies and will let you create profiles for your applications.

This will get handy for users having 144Hz monitors that dont want to drive the VGA to the maximum while playing simple games that dont even reach 144 FPS or they simply dont support such refresh rates.

You can select your fallback default frequency in options, add profiles to each executable.
All available frequencies are listed also in quick tray popup menu where you can quickly switch them.

The application is free for download here : DOWNLOAD



Posted: 3rd June 2017 by DExUS in Games
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The game BARBAR BAR was just released on steam, go get it ! it’s free !

Comments Off on Jupiteration : Release trailer (HTC Vive & Oculus Rift + Touch)

Release trailer for virtual reality game Jupiteration. (available from 10 Mar 2017)
Download here : http://store.steampowered.com/app/592240



Jupiteration on Greenlight

Posted: 6th February 2017 by DExUS in Games
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Jupiteration is a shooter game designed for virtual reality headset HTC Vive.

The game revolves around marooned space craft pilot, who has to shoot his way from hostile environment full of enemy UFO’s and large boss space crafts.
Explosions and enemy parts flying everywhere.
There are several weapons that unlock while progressing through the game, some are upgradable.
Laser pistol, Sniper gun, minigun & more.
There are several levels to complete with different environemnts and enemy types.

The game was designed ground up for VR and the best user experience.

Current support is only for the HTC Vive headset, however support for oculus touch is in reasearch.

Game is currently in ALPHA stage, and will be finished within 1-2 months.

Consider supporting my game at : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=857742499

Founding a game studio

Posted: 17th January 2017 by DExUS in News
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Bartoš Studio LogoHello !

I am happy to inform you that I had successfully founded a humble but very ambitious game studio.

We will mainly focus on games for virtual reality, centered around HTC Vive but not exclusive.

There are already few games in development, they will be released coming months.

First of them will be Jupiteration, a space action packed shooter.

Check out our facebook and web page for more details on that 😉

