What we have in stock for ya ?

Posted: 8th July 2011 by DExUS in News
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Hi guys,
I’m back with another update on the development of UAC3 successor.
This time with some detailed information.

What are the major changes ?

1) superior detection system in any way if compared to any other previous UAC
2) automatic adaptive optimization which will setup scanning system for each player depending on hardware and software setup of the computer to achieve no or minimal lags.
3) Permanent BAN , any cheating person at UAC will be permanently baned and will not be able to use our service again
4) Ability to view screenshots directly from web without any application (except browser ofc.)
5) Better backwards search system done by server, able to catch cheaters automatically even if they cheated years ago
6) even more easy GUI than before

What is in consideration of adding?

1) server side cheat kicker for dedicated servers
2) matchmaking system (rooms, with chat)
3) in-game OSD similar to one that is used in Mumble

All this and more stuff is planed to be included in to the next major version…

not enough? did we forgot on something?

Then let us know, just comment this article and I am sure if you have interesting and usable idea it will be also implemented.