Archive for the ‘News’ Category

SWAT4 master server update

Posted: 16th October 2012 by DExUS in News
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Hi SWAT4 players, last 2 days I was working on solution of the main server issue, the issue itself seems much more complicated than initially anticipated. Cooperation with GameSpy will be required to get such thing working, I will try to get in touch with them. Once I have some results I will let you […]

SWAT4 is not dead yet !

Posted: 14th October 2012 by DExUS in News
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Hello guys, some great amount of time has passed since I had made something just for SWAT4 community. As I had noticed the SWAT4 main server is down and there are no servers in the list. That’s nothing that tragic, we can always play our beloved game however something needs to be done. That’s why […]

Raspberry Pi setup #2 : Environment setup

Posted: 14th September 2012 by DExUS in News
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In the previous post we had setup RPi’s SD card and made few optimizations that will help you to get more out of the hardware. Today we will install few essencial applications to help you with basic tasks needed almost every day.

Raspberry Pi setup #1 : Before and after first boot.

Posted: 6th September 2012 by DExUS in News
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It took few days to get to know RPi a bit more, I will share with you ways to setup your raspberry to your liking. Installation of web server, php and optimization of the OS it self for best performance. We will be starting with setup and optimization

Samsung Galaxy S3 , first day of use

Posted: 7th June 2012 by DExUS in News
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There is no reason to introduce the flag ship of Samsung here, everyone knows what’s packed in and all other parameters. What they did not tell ya is how it feels. Now I was determined to buy the SGS3 mainly for the reason I had SGS1 , and I do love the phone. It did […]

Raspberry Pi and GPIO

Posted: 3rd June 2012 by DExUS in News
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I had very good time with my RPi (Raspberry Pi) computer, few days with reinstalling and testing it’s performance, however the main reason for my purchase was the available GPIO that can be used for … anything. My application of the GPIO will be in home security.  Since the RPi will be mainly used as […]