Generaly good news

Posted: 10th June 2011 by DExUS in News
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UAC4 is under development that’s a good news for the non cheating players, but we are constantly looking for ways how to make the current UAC better or even reduce the cost of hosting.

At the begining of August 2011, UAC3 server will move on to new hardware with much more power and almost doubled all specs.  Strange as it sounds, it might even be for lower monthly cost of the server and give us computing power and capacity to store more screens for longer time and at the same time to deliver more functions with more speed.

This speedup will be absolutely needed for upcoming UAC4 since we plan some awesome features that will blow your mind.

I can’t give you any specific details right now since the development is in about 25% of the whole process, but be sure to hear some news in comming weeks.

[UPDATE 14.jun.2011]
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