UAC4 development update (day 75)

Posted: 30th June 2011 by DExUS in News
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Hello guys, another update on UAC4 development is here.
Today is day 75 of the development, thanks to our test team we had finished stage 2 of 5 from the application side development.

We did focus in stage 2 on elimination of lag in time of scaning and the results are very positive, with no lag at all even with slow computers (6 years old), we do intend tests also with 8-10 year old computers in next few days.

Stage 3 will be about user interface. I already do have a vision about very simple and user friendly interface where the user will input only the match id, nothing else. Everything will be done automaticaly.

We plan also almost all the features that were requested years ago and will be implemented in this next major version of UAC. I will give you more info in next post, stay tuned !